Saturday, August 21, 2021

Going Back to School - Teacher Workdays 2021

They moved my classroom the week before school started. I went from downstairs Purple to upstairs Blue. The only way they could have moved me further would have been to put me in the gym or to drop a trailer in the back parking lot (and those don't arrive until November!).

I wasn't happy with the move, but I know why the did it. They wanted me to have a larger classroom, so they could cram more kids in and still meet COVID spacing requirements. My original classroom was better suited for smaller Algebra classes.  I liked the people and the location (and the limit on how many kids could fit!), but my wants weren't their needs. 

So now I'm amongst the prestigious HMSA classrooms. There's a glass door that separates us from the rest of the school.

It's not so bad. I spent a chunk of the week moving stuff from my old classroom and setting up the new.

I took a bunch of pre and post pictures, but I'll skip to the final product and save you from a week of work.

New to the room (and my experience) was a one-way mirror. You can see partially see through it when the lights are off.

Not so much when the lights are on.

On the other side, the Biology teachers store brains, hearts, kidneys, livers, and all sorts of other interesting things that smell terrible (Supposedly, it's the preservative solutions). 

The room used to be for Psychology, so there's the names of famous psychologists posted all around. Apparently, there used to be portraits, too. I'm hoping someone will take the random filing cambinets and psychology papers, because I have no need of them.

There's a creepy face painted on one of the trashcans, too. I don't think it was meant to be creepy, but it is. It screams that there was something more than math going on amidst my decorations.

I left Friday with the room ready for students.

I even did some light decorating outside to say "This is not HMSA. This. Is. GEOMETRY!"

You can tell I had no ladder. Otherwise, I might have decorated above the door, as well!

I'm as ready as I'll ever be for students. I'll have more to say once I've seen them!

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