Thursday, August 26, 2021

Free Dinner? Sure!

The Principal, Rick, sent out an email Thursday. "Free dinner for staff and their families! It's at this address."

The address happened to be our church!

It felt weird walking in. I remembered the announcement on Sunday that the church planned to support teachers. I'm a teacher, but being a member I wondered if I shouldn't collect, since I was supposed to be giving! It made it feel weird walking in. I wasn't sure if I'd be recognized, but the masks make that a little more difficult. 

It was a free meal from the church I tithe to, so I guess I indirectly paid for it? It cost me 30 minutes of added travel and waiting to my commute, but it was a blessing dinner was taken care of. No dirty dishes, either! 

I texted Scott about the free dinner, but when he arrived they'd run out of food. More was on the way, but it turned out there was quite the demand. 

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