Monday, February 28, 2022

Catching Up

 Running a farm isn't all pets, cuddles, and photo opportunities.

No matter what the horses tell you.

You don't want to know what they're napping on (You can see a little bit of a 'poo pillow' under Eddy's neck there...)

Speaking of Eddy, we've had to double lock all of the stall doors, because of him.

He has a surprisingly high success rate of letting himself in when he wants grain. Most of the time, he's too lazy to attempt it, but if we're in the barn and not moving fast enough...

The truth is: The barn is in better shape lately. The nasty weather stopped and we were able to catch up. Ernie is off stall rest and he got moved to "the double lot" (Ex-"Pony Lot," future "Eowyn Lot," and whatever other name we come up with). 

Maddy moved to the "original lot" (Which has been named after Eowyn, Maddy, and Lilly at this point!).

Lilly moved out with the girls..., but that's been rocky. Once upon a time, Abby was obsessed with Lilly and whined/panicked whenever Lilly left. We'd have to stall Abby whenever Carrie road Lilly and hope that Abby wouldn't kick down a door or hurt herself jumping. We moved Maddy to the lot to prevent leaving Abby alone

Now, Lilly is equine non grata. Eowyn and Abby chase her off from the feeder and have slowly bit and ripped Lilly's blanket. 

There hasn't been any broken skin or injuries that would make the situation dangerous, but it's more stressful on Lilly that it should be.

It's just more crap to deal with (and we have lots of crap!). We drive up the pile to pack it down when dropping a load.

When the weather gets a little warmer, we'll spread more on the bridle path and yard to fertilize. Carrie's done it a couple of times, already.

There's lot of other little things, but we're making due with what we have. Someone broke the barn scissors. I used them busted for a while before removing the broke half to make a 'scissor knife.' 

Eventually, it'll be dull enough or I'll be annoyed enough to replace it.

The front gate is similar. The initial clamps were installed wrong and warped over time. Carrie used some wood to make a temporary bracket, but that broke and now a reinforcer is duct taped on.

Working as intended!

With the barn more or less in order, we finally went on a dump run. I skipped out on morning chores and spent the whole time gathering trash and recycling.

Shane had company on the drive!

I'd say we got most of it. 80% (It's been a while). 

Spring cleaning isn't far off. I'm looking forward to getting it over with and being closer to summer!

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