Thursday, February 17, 2022

UTI Round 2

 "My UTI is back!" Shane announced to his bus driver.

He wasn't wrong, but I was surprised. He proclaimed it so loudly I heard it from the driveway. It wasn't the sort of thing I'd advertise.

I asked Shane about it later. He said he'd mentioned it in Morning Meeting, as well, and some kids had laughed about it when he said it burned/hurt to pee. Their laughter hurt his feelings.

The first signs his infection wasn't over happened earlier in the week. Shane said he "doubled over in science class in pain." He said ALL the kids laughed at him (I'm sure the pain was real, but Shane's dramatic and at home will moan and make sure we notice). I said I was sure it wasn't everyone and he recanted saying he had noticed some kids looking worried and asking if he was okay.

Still, this little piece of artwork on his valentine's day bag shows you some of his thoughts on it.

The culture that came back showed the bacteria had some resistance to the antibiotics prescribed. Carrie called and the doctor prescribed a new antibiotic and we didn't have to bring Shane in. I dropped by Wegmans after work on Wednesday to pick it up (and spent over an hour there when the pharmacy was out and had to figure out a new prescription to prescribe). 

UTI's are a trigger for Carrie. She hadn't known what her first UTI was as a teenager and hadn't told anyone until it hit her kidneys and sent her to the hospital. Shane likes to tell her it hurts, she gets triggered, and it makes things more dramatic than it needs to be, in my opinion.

It was a teacher workday, so I took Shane to the doctor again Friday morning before we met Nana and Pop. The meds were supposed to make Shane feel better in a couple of days, but he swore they hadn't. 

Shane's an old hand at this. He uses all the right buzz words like "Urgency" and "Irritation." His medical vocabulary is so good I'm sometimes afraid to use more words around him to further his selection.

Side note: Shane loves having his pulse read. He honest-to-goodness cheered.

The in-house sample came back negative (as usual) and the doctor said the thing to do was to continue the meds (as expected). 

But we tried! Shane still got to spend the night with Nana and Pop Friday night....which is what tomorrow's post is going to be all about.

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