Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Volleyball Update

Volleyball is probably a one and done. 

I like it better than Shane. It fits perfectly into our schedule, gets him out of the house, moving, grooving, and doing something independent of me. I took a 40 minute nap in the car the last time he was at practice.

Yes, it would be nice to watch and see what he's up to, but that day I was exhausted. I needed the nap.

For Shane, it's been a learning experience. He hops out of the car and checks himself in without me following. Shane knows a lot more about the sport now. The coaches complimented him one day about his bump skills and he sure looked happy about it!

The same day the coaches complimented him, Shane came back out to the car mid practice in a tizzy. He said he hated volleyball and he "always got hurt!" I talked him down and he decided to go back in just as a coach came racing out the door to figure out where he'd gone!

It's been up and down like that. Shane's critical of the sport and, especially, his performance. The first day they did serves he came out saying he stunk at it and it hurt his hand to even try. I countered that serving isn't a skill you're expected to learn in a day and was sure he did great. I would've expected a younger Shane to come out and tell me the moments that went great, but typically he comes out and tells me the low points.

Shane's, also, very aware he's one of only 3 boys. I hoped for him to make friends and ask him if he learned any names after each practice, but if he does he never tells me any.

So volleyball is probably a one year thing. I hope he learned a few things and practiced some coordination. The 2 hour parenting break to do errands, play on my phone, and/or sleep has been worth the price of admission to me!

Next year....maybe skiing. There were no group lessons this year or I might have tried that with him already. With masks fading out those should be back next year, right? I like skiing and snowboarding with the youth group, so helping Shane learn before he's around others would probably help his confidence levels.

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