Saturday, May 7, 2022

Last Soccer Game of the Season

Carrie came with us to soccer practice Thursday! I forget what inspired her, but Shane was excited. I was excited, too. We parked at on a bench and were going to watch something together as we watched practice. However, a little kid slammed a door, a chatty parent showed up who didn't mind talking to people sharing headphones, and then Shane started acting dramatic.

I normally hang back and try to let coaches deal with issues. Carrie didn't. She went out and said, "Get up. Practice."

It came down to Shane didn't think he was doing well, so he wasn't going to do it (I hate that attitude). Carrie sorted him out and we got Tropical Fruit Smoothies on the way home to celebrate being out as a family.

(Random note to self: Don't ever go to Guadalajara on Cinco de Mayo! The place was a zoo and people were parking sideways and this way and that ways! We were lucky to find parking for smoothies and luckier to leave without getting bumped.)

Saturday, it was just Shane and me. We were at Walker Upper again. 

The team and a lot of parents had the same idea I did: Try the other side of the field.

Shane ran off without his gloves and coat. He probably wouldn't have had his shoes on if I hadn't explicitly told him to put them on if he wanted to play any on the pink phone.

I brought Shane his gear and he immediately put it on. It was cooler out than expected!

I had been plenty warm doing barn chores in shorts and a t-shirt. We rushed out the door and I didn't think about grabbing myself a coat.

It was a different experience sitting in the wind on wet grass! I'd grabbed TWO Shane coats to make sure he was covered. I found myself using the spare!

It's funny how spring weather can shift so wildly in Virginia (4 seasons in a week if you're unlucky!)

Today was a new experience for Teal.

We outnumbered the other team.

First time this year. I like Shane being on a smaller team, because it guarantees playtime.

No ref showed up, so one of our coaches volunteered to officiate (for the 2nd time this year). 

The other team was laid back about it. Their coach hadn't shown up. A parent told me they overheard he was a volunteer firefighter and hadn't been able to attend many games throughout the season.

Before I chronicle the game, there's one more thing I want to mention. Remember how I mentioned wet grass when I was complaining about how cool it was? There was an impressive puddle midfield.

I caught it in action!

And pulled a still, because I thought it was that funny.

There was so much rain Friday, Carrie swore the game was going to get cancelled. She was wrong, but maybe she should have been right. I don't mind the kids playing in a little mud, though! 

The game started and soccer was played!

We looked pretty dominate over Yellow from the start (with this goofy pic being the lone exception!).

I will say their goalie had an arm! He'd throw the ball instead of punting it.

Coach K did his best to be totally impartial and not coach the kids from the field and I have proof!

I caught him on camera hopping over a ball going onto our side of the field here!

Whether Yellow 11 was tripped or faked a fall, the penalty was called here.

It set up a free kick that could have been dangerous against a stronger team.

I think Yellow 11 was the main threat from the game. Here he's running down on the goal and actually gets a shot off. Shane scoops it with ease and runs it back out (Well done, kid!).

None of our games have been rough, but I caught to examples of players falling today. In this shot, we got another penalty called on us. The yellow player forced his way between the ball and Hamza, so it wasn't outrageous on our part so much as it was Yellow playing physical and drawing a foul legitimately.

Not that it helped them.

Shane played well, but I don't think there were any truly threatening shots.

The first half of the game, Teal took the lead 2-0.

Shane flubbed one punt, but nailed all the rest.

And made sure to celebrate after the good ones (That move is called "the floss").

I caught Coach N showing off some of his skills with an out of bounds ball today!

Being on the hill was a better vantage point for covering large swaths of the field.

I couldn't zoom in too far for action shots like last week without losing picture quality, though.

Case in point:

I would've like to have gotten the look on Shane's face here.

You know he's grinning ear to ear!

Finian's dad stood near me and we talked for much of the game. There's a group of boys from the same elementary school (Stone Robinson), but the rest of the kids were all from different schools private and public (We were the only family from Scottsville).

He was surprised when his son volunteered to play for the other team in the 2nd half. Coach K's son, James, also switched jerseys to play for yellow.

Meanwhile, Shane is the kid running goofy in the back of the pack.

Shane was defense 2nd half while Hamza hopped in goal again.

And Shane did something he hadn't done all season.

He took a shot on goal!

I think it was partly be accident. I think he was just trying to push the ball forward, but he was on offense!

It happened twice! Teal was so dominate that Shane lost his normal hesitation to try.

Before I gush too much, here's a random silly picture (That's James in the neon yellow).

Teal actually scored 5 goals over the course of the game....just two of them were by James against Hamza! Some of the kids didn't seem to know how to process it and I heard the coach telling a few kids the loaners "weren't traitors," ha ha!

Maybe that's why Shane felt so comfortable running around: He knew people on both teams!

David was trying for a power kick here, but I want to draw your attention to the Yellow players caught in a shoe situation.

I don't know what it was today, but the shoes were flying!

Literally, for Shane!

It was hilarious.

I really need to review tying shoelaces with Shane.

To his credit, he popped up quickly and got right back in the mix without dramatics!

It could have been he was eager to help with a throw-in (They're one of his favorite things to do on defense!).

Hamza eventually got frustrated by James scoring on him and came out of the goal to go back on offense.

Shane must not have fixed his shoes the best the first time, because he went into repair mode again.

Only the action found him!

It was a handball, but I think Coach K was too busy laughing to call it.

The final score was 3-2, Teal wins! Everyone got snacks and there was much rejoicing.

We didn't know it at the time, but it was Shane's last soccer game of the season. The following weekend would be rained out and then we'd be in quarantine for the makeup! I'm glad we signed up. 

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