Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What were my symptoms?

On a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being asymptomatic, 10 being symptoms equivalent to terrible flu keeping me bedridden, and a score over 11 indicating a need for hospital care.....COVID was probably a 2 for me.

The first sign was losing my voice. I had a little extra congestion, but not enough I suspected anything other than my normal allergies.

I didn't sleep well the first night or two, but I don't know if that was COVID. It could have been me stressing over SOLs and possibly having COVID during SOLs! 

I woke up on Friday and my temperature peeked at 99.7º F. I had been in the upper 98ºs on Thursday which was unusual for me. I suspected I might be sick on Thursday, but knew something was off Friday. It was fixed both times by taking a single naproxen sodium pill. The pill said it'd help for 8 to 12 hours with 12 hours of feeling fine being my experience. I took a pill morning and night for the next 4 days and never worried about fever again.

My voice eventually recovered, but the continuing COVID symptom I've had is a side order of congestion, but light on the snot. Every now and then I cough and feel like there's some snot in my throat, but I never produce much of it. I'll have a loogie every now and then, but much less than I'd expect for the level of congestion I have. My nose is similar. It runs a little, but nowhere near as much as a typical cold.

For all of us, COVID's symptoms have seemed to linger beyond when we felt sick.

I'm writing this 6/2 and I still find myself needing to clear my throat or cough lightly every now and then. I normally need to cough a few times after laying down for bed at night. A couple of days after I thought I was better I some 'bubble guts.' I could feel my innards twitching and turning. One day I simply at Eggo waffles all day.

Shane's COVID ran a similar course to mine. However, he had much more of a cough whenever he laid down to sleep at night. He coughs more than I do now, too.....though we suspect some of them are forced (Either he wants attention or doesn't know how to clear his throat without being loud!).

Carrie had the worst symptoms. If I was a 2, Shane was a 3 or 4, then Carrie was a 6 (or maybe a 7). She had a fever over 100º F and complained of some aches and chills. She was still functional, but uncomfortable. She'd go to bed early and then wake up early. While Shane and I are back in school, she's complained about fatiguing quickly, being sore, and mentioned if she bent her head too far forward it gave her a headache (from the sinuses?). 

None of us lost our sense of taste or smell. My morning tea tasted funny the day I was told I was positive. I went to the fridge and sniffed the gallon of milk. It was going bad! 

Hopefully, we'll all be back to feeling 100% as summer starts. I'd like to visit family and do some traveling!

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