Friday, May 20, 2022

Positive for COVID

 I won the pandemic lottery.

Wednesday night, Shane said Dylan's stepmom tested positive for COVID. I said, "John would've told me. We were just there!"

Shane showed me the text from Dylan, but I still held on to a sliver of doubt.

That night, though, I started to feel a little off. It wasn't anything major, but my sinuses felt different and my voice was going hoarse. It's probably just laryngitis. Anything else is hypochondria.

I woke up at 4:30 AM Thursday morning. For some reason, the theme song for Full House wouldn't shut up in my brain. "Whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, even MTV [sic]." (Yes, I know it's supposed to be "evening TV," but that's how I heard it as a kid. My brain kept getting it wrong, I knew it was wrong, and it kept annoying me awake!)

I had trouble sleeping and ended up getting back up for good at 6 AM. I took my temperature, but it was still in the 98s. That was high for my normal, but I figured a good chunk of it could be stress and worry. My SOL was Friday. Shane had a tooth pulling appointment. There was A LOT going on!

I texted John and he said "Oh crap! I knew I forgot to text someone!" Kelly had tested positive, but no one else in the house felt bad or showed symptoms. 

I wore a mask to school just in case. I kept it on all day religiously, too.

I was a little tired in the beginning, but I woke up at 4:30 AM. I expected to be tired and off. My voice was dying, though, so I hung near my desk as much as I could rather than wandering the room amongst the students.

After school, I decided to get a COVID test. I had to know. I didn't want to convince myself if I did or didn't have it.

I wasn't sure where to go, so I asked Carrie. Wegmans was sold out of at-home tests and they didn't do on-site testing. Carrie suggested I set up a teledoc appointment with 5th street Sentara. They talked to me and then agreed to test me since I'd been exposed. A nurse came out to the car for a minute to get a sample and send me on my way.

The results weren't due until Friday.

Thursday night, I went to bed unsure if I was going to school or not. I debated it back and forth. When I woke up Friday with a 99.7° F temperature I called in sick. Before noon, I got confirmation: I had COVID.

Once we knew, Carrie went and picked up Shane from school. He'd been at Dylan's with me, so he was likely to show next. 

I got the positive test result the morning of the Geometry SOL! You could say I was unlucky to get sick on test day or I was blessed to stay healthy until the day of the test. I didn't miss any review days, so I consider myself blessed!

And so we settled in to quarantine. It'll be a good chance to catch up on the blog, at least.

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