Monday, May 9, 2022

Mother's Day 2022

It was a low-key Mother's Day this year. Or, at least it was AFTER Grandma and Grandpa cancelled coming out to visit us. We spent a large portion of the morning cleaning! 

I cracked a Full House joke/reference as we cleaned. "Does this feel like your Christmas?" 

"More like the warden's coming for an inspection!" (+1 funny point to Carrie!).

The house looked much nicer even if we didn't finish.

Grandma and Grandpa asked for us to meet them for an early dinner instead. They needed to drive up to Dulles Airport in NOVA to do something for a client.

Carrie asked me to take a picture of the boys sleeping in the field on our way out.

I only had time for one picture, because Carrie wasn't waiting around! She wanted to be on time to meet Grandma and Grandpa. We ate at El Mariachi in Zion's Crossroads. 

Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa went into business mode. Carrie did some tech support and the ladies spent the whole time talking shop.

Grandpa talked some with Shane and I, but he got pulled into the business side of things. So I started a drawing game with Shane.

It's something I used to play in college (during class). One person doodles something and then passes along the picture. The goal is that each doodle adds or revolutionizes the image.

We started with a stick figure. Then there was a wave. The wave became a sandworm. The stick figure became a a storm....that became cave walls......and ended up being a dwarf from DRG setting a trap for a bug!

Shane's done more doodles lately, so it was fun to see his imagination go some.

I like discussing history with Grandpa, but Shane views it as his least favorite subject in school (It had been one of my favorites!).

After dinner, we picked up Bucket. She was going to stay with us for 3 weeks (Consider it our Mother's Day gift, Grandma!).

On the way home, we stopped at Kohr Brothers on 250 to pick up a treat for our family's Mother's Day (in addition to all the cleaning!).

The rest of the night, we spent quietly at home. Quiet for us, at least. Something spooked Tsuki and she ran up on the table all fluffy tail while Carrie and I were talking. Could've been Shane; could've been Loki. 

We called Nana and talked to her at some point, too. It wasn't the most memorable Mother's Day, but we did we set out to do and felt good for it.

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