Saturday, May 14, 2022

Librarying It Up!

We haven't been to the Scottsville Library since before the pandemic.

I told Shane we were going and he had to pick out a book. He could get as many graphic novels and comics as he wanted, but there would be one book without illustrations every page before we went home.

The librarian was excited. She kept bringing books over! Shane poo-poo'd most of them, but eventually he saw a comic he liked (and I think he read the whole thing instead of looking for more books!). 

I went off to look for some books on my own. 1) I wanted books and 2) I was trying to be a good example for Shane. If I tell him "Libraries rock!" and just sit on my phone then my actions don't line up with what I'm selling.

I checked the message board to see if there were any events going on in town that could be fun and spotted a "Game Day." 

I'm thinking about going, but don't know if I should bring Shane or not! I probably will on the off chance there are kids. We need to find more local friends.

There was an author reading going on at the same time we were at the library. It was a local children's author. She wrote Mahogany Goes to Wall-Street. I didn't think Shane would be interested, but if he was I was going to shove him in the room. I'd hoped there would be lots of kids and he would go in. 

I pointed out the reading. There were a few girls in the room, but they looked a little younger. The Librarian heard and enthusiastically encouraged Shane to attend.

Shane said, "No." 

I said, "Ok," and went about looking for books (mildly disappointed, but not surprised).

Later, Shane came to my side of the library. He brought up the book talk and said he didn't want to go in to the tea party, because it would be "gay."

Which bothered me, so we had a little talk. 

I said I didn't see how a tea party was gay or straight. And even if it was one or other, who cared? I drink tea everyday and British people have cookies at their tea times. People are allowed to like what they like. If Shane wanted to go, he should. If he didn't, he didn't have to. 

But I told Shane I would be mad if he tried saying people who did go to something he didn't were weird or different. Especially if it was to make himself feel better about his decision or better than them. "You're not better than anyone. You're not worse than anyone. Treat people like we're all on the same level. Because we are."

There was more to it than that, but I don't remember exact words. I didn't want to dash Shane for telling me what he thought and why, because it brought it to the light to discuss. However, I didn't want him to go on thinking it was okay to think that way. Christians should show God's love. At the minimum, that means being respectful. That's how I want to live and how I want my kid to act.

I'm writing this weeks later, so....yeah. Don't take any of these words as exact.

End of Story: We stayed at the library much longer than I expected and we got some books out of it! I immediately started reading one of mine when we got home. Shane's been slower to start, but I plan to make him do the Summer Reading Club if they have it this year.

1 comment:

  1. The board game day on next Saturday, June 4th sounds like a great idea! I hope you and Shane can make a new friend(s) there. I'm so happy that you take him to the library.
