Friday, June 24, 2022

Animal Pics

There are a lot of animals around here. Rabbits dart out of the bushes half the time I go outside. I saw this fellow one day. Loki hadn't noticed, so I tossed a toy nearby.

Loki saw the rabbit when it darted off as he approached! There was a short chase, but the bunnies are faster (and more determined to get away!) than Loki.

Which the cats watch with interest. They feel like they'd be much more effective than the dog at catching anything!

Their attention is more focused on the birds than rabbits, though.

And they enjoy finding and catching new things to sleep on.

But all of our cats are good with our bunnies. There's been no predatory aggression. Just curiousity.

Of which Loki is into, as well (He'll go anywhere there are butts to sniff!).

Loki makes it hard to get pictures sometimes. The moment he notices me he runs over blocking shots!

I'm able to get some around him.

And he may show up unexpectedly in others!

I was lying on the floor to get a good angle and I switched to selfie mode when Loki crawled up next to me grunting and growling for attention.

Tsuki was stalking Bunsen and I thought it'd make for some great action shots.

 Bunsen has a great twitch reflex! He moved faster than the camera could see.

Thankfully, he's not overly worried about her and she's not overly bent on rabbit for supper. We have peaceful interactions between species here.

Hopkins doesn't like to be picked up and has ceased to be Carrie's favorite bunny. For one, he'll dive off the couch when she pulls him out and he's not easy to catch! Bunsen stays on the couch and doesn't mind being handled as much, so he's become the new couch rabbit of choice.

And he's little and elicits giggles. We need more of those around here!

Shane pretended to sleep for this photo. He's been reading a book called The Inquisitor's Tales. He could've read it to Bunsen!

Outside the house, we have the horses. The itchy, itchy horses.

The bugs have been bad this year and all the horses appreciate a good scratching.

Loki doesn't appreciate his people going anywhere, though. He may recognize what suitcases stand for. Shane will head off on a road trip in the morning (post tomorrow!).

After Shane left Saturday, Carrie pulled out Bunsen again for some bunny therapy.

I'm happy for whatever helps her feel better as we go through the Kitsune saga. There have been mix ups with FedEX delivering spinal fluid for testing and lots more questions than answers.

And that takes care of a bunch of my animal photos. I have some I held back of all the hair Loki's been shedding for when I post about his grooming appointment next week.

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