Thursday, June 16, 2022

Catching up on trash

Summer hasn't been about relaxing so far.

In the middle of everything else going on, we gotta keep this guy busy!

Busy doesn't always mean 'fun' ('Productive' is a word I like!).

We finally got around to doing a huge trash run this week. It was one of those things that needed to happen earlier, but it requires everyone to do (Carrie to drive, me to labor, and Shane to be accounted for).

There were some opened bags with cat feces that got soaked in the rain and were oozing scents and squishy bits better not pondered. 

I'm not squeamish (and deal with poop daily), but I didn't want to handle some things without nitrile gloves. Let that communicate how lovely the experience was.

Shane's job was to help with recycling. He gets to stay inside for the trash bit. We only did a partial load of the recyclables on the big trip. I spent the rest of the week filling up the Subaru. Whenever we had an errand in town we dropped by the recycling center and took care of things piecemeal (I mentioned one such stop in the prior post about my laptop dying). 

Shane gets to avoid dishes and laundry for the most part (He does put his clothes away...terribly), but he's been doing his normal chores and helping out with morning feedings. I asked him to run down to the barn here to grab the empty supplement cups for Mom. He insisted he didn't need shoes! He ran until he hit the gravel!

It was funny looking at him try to walk juuuust right. He'd have been a lot faster in shoes, but it was his choice! Choices are for learning from! He could've stayed in the barn and had a small dance party and I wouldn't have cared as long as he got back before Carrie started to worry!

Carrie feels helpless with Kitsune away and without a way to help. Trash isn't what she wants to focus on, but I think it's good to take care of these things to stay busy and keep things running smoothly around here until we know more about Kit.

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