Saturday, June 18, 2022

Father's Day

Sunday started off a little different. Carrie's putting up a bunch of her saddles for sale to help bay Kitsune's medical bills. She had to drop one off in Crozet, so she dropped Shane and I off at church. I would have preferred for her to come with us to church, but it was still gas efficient. 

It turned out Carrie knew the family. She'd hired their daughter, T,  to exercise ride Eowyn when Carrie was still recovering from her knee surgery. The saddle was supposed to be a graduation gift. I love it when small-world connections like that happen!

Shane and I had to wait a little after service to get picked up, but there were Father's Day treats to help us bide the time (Donuts!).

We went on family errands afterwards. Shane was sad when I told him, "No chicks!" at Tractor Supply.

Carrie let him wander around with the pink phone, so he was a happy customer overall (While we were the paying customers!).

We got gas at Costco and were headed home when I think Carrie realized it was Father's Day. All I wanted for the day was to spend time as a family, play some games, and maybe enjoy a home cooked meal later on. Carrie wanted to do something special, though. She wanted to stop somewhere. We were approaching chicken row and I threw out, "You know, I never did try Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich" (There had been an 'advertising war' between them and CFA a year ago or so).

Carrie threw on the brakes, hit the turn signal, and nearly swerved into the parking lot. It wasn't movie flashy with screeching and smoking tires, but it was faster than I expected! She made sure I got my spicy chicken sandwich and we enjoyed a family lunch out.

We were headed to the car when Carrie swerved again, this time with Shane. They went straight into Cold Stone's. They said it was to celebrate Father's Day, but I think that was a convenient excuse for ice cream! We shared a bowl as a family and that may be what started Carrie off on the ice cream making trend for the summer.

After we got home, I took Shane to the pool for over a couple hours. He wasn't ready to go when I told him to pack up, but I told him it was Father's Day and I was tired and ready to go!

I finally got my game in when we got back. Carrie agreed to play Marvel Champions. It's a longer and more complicated game and she hasn't had the focus or energy for it. I really like it and Aria discovered that she really likes the box it comes in!

A funny thing happened, though. Shane got interested in the game. He started flipping through cards and Carrie invited him to play with us.

I immediately said no. I knew that would end in disaster. Carrie would have gotten frustrated and upset at Shane's constant humming and sound effects as he moved cards around on the table while she was trying to think!

Instead, I taught Shane the game and Carrie rested on the couch. He did really well! I would have played again with Carrie, but at that point she'd lost her energy.

I don't remember if Carrie went to bed early that night or if we all watched a show as a family (Ms. Marvel?).  Carrie's alternated between upset and depressed with Kitsune still in the hospital and no respite in sight. If anything, it's like she's been pre-grieving, so it was nice to have a good day as a family.

I even got my exercise in by going down to the barn in the evening. I don't know how early Carrie fell asleep, but I know she didn't leave the couch after the sun started to set!

It was a good Father's Day. I'm blessed to have a family, much less my family. 

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