Saturday, June 11, 2022

The First Weekend

Summer is here! I took Shane to the pool Friday after school let out. He played with James kicking/throwing the soccer ball back and forth across the pavilion.

I hadn't planned on staying long, but ended up staying much longer than planned since it was going well. It ended a little sour with James' other friends showing up. They're not fans of Shane, so they wandered off without him. It was time to go anyways, so I gave Shane a pep talk and a drumstick to end on a high note!

We went to the pool over the weekend, as well.

On a personal note, Carrie finally gave me a haircut! We stopped halfway through instead of doing a pre and post picture.

The trim was long overdo. It'll help beat the heat!

So far, we've been blessed with more rain this year. There was a huge downpour Sunday morning.

But it was Laura and Amy's turn to do chores, so we didn't have to! Shane and I went to church and went on some errands for Carrie afterwards.

In typical Carrie fashion, picking up one thing became picking up another....

...and it became a full cart. I had posts to partition off a smaller grazing area for Eowyn and Kitsune, foal feed for when he was older, salt blocks for the fields, etc. etc.

I made a pit stop at the comic shop before Shane and I went to Costco for groceries. I wanted to pick him up a couple of Archie comics for car reading. He was more enamored with the vending machines from Japan, though.

To stretch our hay supply, Carrie decided to turn Maddy loose on the lawn. She's fine on our own and eating the lawn rather than hay saves us money (at least $4 a day). Carrie set up a water bucket on the side of the house and made sure Maddy knew where it was.

Carrie has repeatedly proven the adage, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink" doesn't apply to her.

I can lead Maddy over, but she won't take so much as a sip for me (But she will insist on scratches).

It was a peaceful start to summer, but trouble was on the horizon. Monday morning was going to be crazy.

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