Friday, June 17, 2022

Making Ice Cream

This is skipping a little ahead, but it's been a summer of ice cream. 

Homemade ice cream.

Carrie borrowed Grandma's ice cream maker and she's been putting it to use (It reminds me of all those times we used to watch Chopped!). 

I was happy to pick up materials for her and Shane got to observe/help with the making.

Shane got to request the first flavor. He went with mint-chocolate-chip! 

It went quick! Carrie knows what she's doing. The local Facebook feed has been advertising Lumpkins new ice cream, but we have no reason to leave the house for it now!

The second batch was Moose Tracks.  

I'd requested the dark chocolate mini-Reese's cups when we were at Wegman's. 

Shane got home from Nana and Pop's in time to try it (You'll read more about that in tomorrow's post!).

I....I ate a lot more. A lot. I normally gain a little weight over the summer, but this one might be record breaking. It'll depend on how many batches Carrie makes!

For the third batch, I figured Carrie would want a challenge. "Remember when we went to the caves near Waynesboro? And there was that awesome custard place?" I asked.

I wanted Lemon-Ginger ice cream. 

It was a smart ask. It was a flavor that Carrie could resist, but she knew had blown my mind once before. We picked up some sanded ginger drops and crystalized ginger at Yoder's (on the tail end of a road trip in another future blog post!). 

Carrie decided to do a lemon cream and then add in some ground up drops and crystallized ginger for the ginger component. I had thought the crystalized ginger were going to be masterstroke. They were not (I even started picking them out near the end!).

The masterstroke was when Carrie decided to cook ginger sugar cookies. 

They were fantastic on their own, but Carrie, also, chopped them up and added them to the ice cream.

We aren't quite averaging one flavor a week, but it's close! The only downside is I have to hand wash everything before Carrie makes a new batch. Maybe by the end of summer, she'll have Shane make a batch on his own. I think that'd be sweet. And cool. And hopefully rich. And all of the other good things that ice cream are!

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