Monday, June 20, 2022

Goalie Training

I signed Shane up for Goalie Training over the summer. It was five classes, 45 minutes in length, for $100 at the SOCA field house. The classes were on Monday and they even took a week off for the 4th of July when Shane was at camp anyway! It seemed like a perfect opportunity to me.

Only we missed the first week when Kitsune had to be rushed to the hospital.

Week 2, I was determined to make it. I overestimated the drive, though, and we showed up early.

The field house was cool. I'd never seen it before and getting to see it was a perk of signing up. Shane got to feel like a real pro!

Class eventually started and I started looking around for the best place to watch. The netting made pictures difficult, sadly.

I....I wasn't overly happy with Shane. It'd told him to take it seriously and to be a blessing, but he seemed more interested in goofing off. And he was the only one.

I try not to yell from the sidelines anymore, but I was sorely tempted at times. Here, Shane was supposed to be walking to his new position. He'd been the slowest mover to get there and as Shane walked he stopped to try and kick the ball away from the coach who was demonstarting.

The coach took it in stride and was smiling, but I was unhappy!

There were games and time for fun, but Shane was lackadaisical. Here, the kids were supposed to fall on their sides and catch a ball their partner rolled to their side. Shane did a rocket kick instead of a roll for his partner and then flopped and played with the ball on his turn.

The gif cuts off, but Shane sits there on his back with the ball long enough the coach walks over to hurry him along.

I could've killed him. As a coach myself, I find that level of disrespect for his partner, his coaches, and everyone around him intolerable. Shane didn't seem to notice or care outside of what he wanted to do!

Shane was upbeat at the end of practice. I was more mixed. He did do some good things and I think I remember him finishing well. But I wasn't sure if I needed to scare some respect in him. Or should I try to encourage that he actually liked going so as not to squish the seed of his interest and any progress he might gain?

In the end, I chalk it up as a victory that we went. Shane doesn't show the interest or drive to get better, but I do think he absorbs some of it and is a better, more-interesting person from gaining the experience. 

Three sessions to go!

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