Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Field Day for Shane

There was nothing fun planned at the high school level this year, but Shane's still in Elementary. They know how to end a school year right.

"Field day is tomorrow!" I said. "You'll need a change of clothes and swimsuit."

"Why does it have to be field day tomorrow! Ugh!" was Shane's reply.

Are you surprised? I was surprised! Field day seemed exactly like something Shane would like!

"You get to play around at school and get wet? That seems like something you'd love!"

"I don't wanna go to field day!"

"Why not?"

"Because I just don't wanna!"

"That's not a reason."

"It's going to be hot and it's going to be wet. I don't mind getting wet in my spare time, but if it's something I have to do I'm going to usually hate it."

The teenage years are not far away. 

In retrospect, Shane can be insecure and anti-competition. He was probably dreading relay races or anything where he could lose or be criticized for his performance (though he is far from the bottom of his class in athletic ability...unless you're measuring thickness of skin!).

I was a little worried about Field Day, but Carrie reported he was upbeat when he got off the bus. I got home and immediately asked, "How was it?"

"You can ask mom. I told her."

Shane can and will talk incessantly (and seemingly without pauses to breathe), but then at other times...

"Shane.....how was it?" I asked again. It was a great opportunity for Shane to go on and on about. I was really interested!

"It was ok."

Yeeeeeup. The teenage years are not far away.

At least it wasn't, "terrible."

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