Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4th, 2016 - Beyond Naptime

I told Shane that BBQ or grilling was required food on the 4th. Since I am the only male in the world who can't grill, we bought BBQ. 

I loved it. Shane did not. Smokey was spicy to him. 

Shane was much more interested in the game we bought: Forbidden Island.

I was not planning on playing it right away, but Shane insisted. By the 50th time he asked to play, I gave in. I read the rules while he fiddled with all the pieces. Shane appreciated certain aspects of the game more than the game itself ("OH NO! It's flooding! Shane, Find the matching tile! Quick!"). Managing him is an extra piece of the puzzle for me.

It was bed time when we finished. I was pretty tired. However, I decided it would be wrong for Shane to miss out on fireworks.

We drove up Carter Mountain to look at fireworks from up high.

I thought I was pretty clever. We missed out on crowds and crazy parking lots and parties. However, it felt too muted, too distant to me. It was all new to Shane, so he loved it. I bet he'll go extra bonkers next year when we go back up close.

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