Friday, July 17, 2015

Nap Time is Futile

Oh horror of horrors, can it be true? Is Shane out-growing nap time?

He skips at school. I'm sure the teachers love it. I can wear him out enough most of the time, but there are some days Shane refuses for me, too. 

He's compliant enough. Shane plops into bed when put there. However, instead of sleeping he will roll around, read, sing, and sometimes chant "Daddy, I'm awake!"

I still leave him in there. An hour of quiet won't hurt. Shane usually stays in his bed, but if he wanted to climb out and play that's a-okay. I don't usually remind him. I'd rather he stay in bed. 

If I'm lucky, Shane will slip into a snooze 30-40 minutes after I bring him up.  

If I'm unlucky, I spring him 45 minutes to an hour later. 

Nana said Shane set a record today. He laid in his bed for over two hours while everyone else (save Pop) zonked out.  

Meanwhile, Carrie sleeps more as he sleeps less. Carrie took pre-work naps all week. She started working half-days on Wednesday. I hope she'll be back up to full days next week in case a certain someone nixes his naps.

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