Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4th, 2016 - Road Trip!

Friday, I mucked with bed time. Saturday, Shane and I went to ride in a hot air balloon.

While the wife is away....

We didn't get to cross hot air balloon ride off the "Things to do that would terrify Mommy" list, though. It was a gorgeous day, but the people said the wind was too fast. They flew a red flag all morning. I heard they left without anyone going on a single ride. 

We waited patiently for almost half an hour before we moved on (That's right - patiently. Shane was excited into compliance. Who knew?). Shane and I are experts at making our own fun.

We weren't in our usual neck of the woods, so there was plenty to explore.

"It's a castle!" Shane said.

There were groups set up down the side of the parade grounds. Shane kicked a goal...

...and a missionary made him a balloon.

An airplane on a stick to be exact.

When Shane got tired of holding it, I stuck it down the back of my collar.

The plane got to fly around, avoid grass, and I kept two hands free to deal with the normal Shane-anigans.

Like when he found the random hole in the ground. He went elbow deep.

Shane wanted the full port-a-potty experience, as well. Two hands were helpful there! It kept the balloon clean, too (which is important when your kid waves it in your face).

We walked the grounds of Washington and Lee University, chased a squirrel, and hit leaves with a stick.

I was more interested in the buildings than Shane was.

He made me carry him when he got tired of walking around.

On the way back into town, we stumbled on a parade. We joined in.

There were no big fire trucks or floats. It looked more like an excuse for all the local kids dress in red white and blue and ride bikes in the middle of the street. I wish Shane had a bike there!

He made some friends with his balloon when we hid in the shade.

Lexington is a neat place. It holds a special part in Carrie's heart (which is why we visited before!). There are lots of unique stores.

I think it's neat that there are apartments above and behind many of the storefronts. You can turn down an alley and find a living area in the middle of the city block. It's more open than a big city.

Shane spotted a book and toy store on our way to the car. He made friends with a five and a half-year old, Colston.

The boys played in the toy store for at least forty minutes. There were demos and toys to try everywhere.

I ended up buying a small board game to say "thank you." I didn't really need it and could have saved $6 online (~33%), but I felt it was appropriate. If no one buys from the small stores, they won't be there for your kid to run around in the air-conditioning.

It was a busy morning. We walked a lot! Shane told me his sandals broke in the car.

He resisted, but he's napping now. It lets me type. We'll see if he has the energy for part two of the day when he wakes. Otherwise, I'm fine with staying in after being out all morning.

Happy Fourth of July!

1 comment:

  1. Good blog! What grand adventures you and Shane have! Thanks!
