Monday, July 13, 2015

Potential Shane Careers

Top 5

1. Storm Chaser

2. Meteorologist

3. Astronomer

4. Garbage Truck Driver

5. Train Conductor

Honorable Mentions: Dancer or some kind of athlete, Diplomat or Politician


1. Storm Chaser - Every time there's a dark cloud, Shane asks me if there's a tornado. He sings about them. He pretends they attack his toys. Some get cool cars. Shane is fascinated by natural disasters and whirlpools.

2. Meteorologist - Carrie would prefer for Shane to run away from natural disasters. He can drop vocabulary like "cumulonimbus" at Sunday school.

3. Astronomer - When Shane doesn't talk about weather at Sunday School, he describes the solar system in detail. He can name the Galilean moons and tell you which one has volcanoes.

4. Garbage Truck Driver - Or it could be a recycling truck. Shane loves them all. They've taken a back seat to weather.

5. Train Conductor - We don't come across trains as frequently as Garbage Trucks, but they still rate high up there. Shane likes big mechanical vehicles in general.

Honorable Mentions

Dancer - The kid won't sit still. Carrie nixed the idea of a professional career. She said Shane has my sense of rhythm. YouTube infamy awaits.

Athlete - Shane moves. Constantly. He doesn't really follow rules of any kind, but I bet that develops.

Diplomat or Politician - Shane greets anybody and everybody. He joins random conversations and talks a lot. Shane seems to think the world revolves around him at times, too.

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