Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Surgery Day 2015

Carrie is now five for five. She's had surgery five times in five years. Hopefully, next year will break the trend.

Two years ago, Carrie had a mass in her abdomen right of her c-section scar. This time, she had another mass, but on the left.

The surgery went well. It ended quickly, too. Shane and I spent a little over 45 minutes in lobby exile. Carrie returned and were allowed into recovery. Carrie slept. Shane played a game on our tablet.

When the doctor checked in, he told me the mass was in fatty tissue and not muscle this time. He said he was not worried and was off. Carrie slowly came to and was cleared a little over an hour later.

We won't know what the mass was until the post-op appointment next Tuesday.

Carrie was much better off than any of her previous surgeries. There was no nausea, chills, tears, or any drama. She was tired and sore, but that seems par for the course. We showed Shane the incision to help him understand and be gentle with her.

Thank you for all your prayers. I'm sorry I didn't write this sooner, but all is well and moving on.

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