Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Beach Toughened, Pool Approved

Little man and I headed to the pool Tuesday.

We weren't alone.

Shane picked up some swagger from the beach. He wasn't afraid of the 3'6" water anymore. We went all over and he refused my help multiple times. Thank you, waves!

Wednesday, our usual pool was closed, so we tried out the other city pool.

Shane and I showed up early, played, and made friends in line.

This was our fourth pool trip. It'll take eight to break even with the pass cost.

I don't regret the purchase. Even if we didn't visit another pool this summer, the passes helped motivate me to get Shane out and about.

Shane's not an independent swimmer yet, but I think he's grown a lot more confident this summer.

He certainly enjoys himself.

Our usual pool opens at 10:30 AM. That means there's an hour and fifteen minutes until the first break is called. That's about the right amount of sun my skin can tolerate, so it's a natural exit point.

This pool opened at 11:00 AM. Shane really didn't want to go home at break, so I showed him another time honored tradition instead. It got me out of the sun, too.

I made Shane stop playing around after he sprayed the ceilings and arced the spray over towards my phone. We successfully killed 10 minutes.

There was one life guard who I thought was awesome. He played with the kids during break.

I wasn't sure if Shane would prefer this pool (Washington) over the other or not. There weren't as many slides and activities. I appreciated the sight lines. It was much easier to keep track of the boy! I'll have to see where he wants to go next time.

Shane did not want to go when I told him it was time. He loves the water!

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