Saturday, July 23, 2016

Beach Week: A Bittersweet End

Friday, the first wave shipped out. Megan and B needed to fly back before he turned two (the airlines let under two's fly free). Stu and cru were their transportation. It was much quieter Friday night.

Shane and I left the next morning. Forty miles south of the VA border, I got a phone call. Jenny had Carrie's phone. I couldn't understand everything, but I got that Carrie was distraught, there was sedation, a vet, possible injuries, and I was nowhere near to help.

Shane and I said a prayer after I hung up. Then, I got on his case for being super loud when I was on an emergency call. 

We skipped a Chic-Fil-A stop and ate Pop Tarts on the go. Shane had to cross his legs and hold it until I had to stop for gas.

I called again and this time Carrie picked up. She was still upset. Mira had colic. The vet wanted Mira transported to his hospital.

Shane and I booked it. We went straight past home, aimed for the hospital, and turned around when Carrie returned to the barn. After we made sure Carrie was okay, we had a small respite. Then we drove out to the hospital, so Carrie could visit Mira. We talked on the way to figure out our game plan.

Colic is a possibly fatal constipation for horses (in highly simplified terms). There are a ton of different possible causes. Horses have long guts that only go one way (no throwing up). Food gets stuck, and unless it gets unstuck the surgery is difficult and expensive. Mira had the added bonus of being pregnant. If she did require surgery, the foal could be collateral damage.

Mira had not pooped since she arrived that morning (horses poop constantly). She had been muzzled, because she tried to stress eat the wood shavings flooring her stall. An IV was hanging over top. For now, the plan was to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and hope that helped clear the blockage.

Carrie gave Mira a brushing and kind words. It was 7:00 PM by the time we headed out and grabbed dinner. My love was worn out. She said the whole week had been a sick-lack-of-sleep-working-blur.

I wish I had been there to support Carrie when trouble reared. I am thankful she had Jenny with her the whole time. They didn't get to go on their ride. Crystal, from Carrie's work, came by the hospital to support her before I got there, too. Carrie's thankful that we're home.

There's a good chance Mira won't need surgery. Prayers are appreciated to help us however this is meant to turn out.

It's good to be home.

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