Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Beach Week: Cooking Up Fun and Parties

We celebrated two birthdays beach week: Pop's and B's!

Monday night was Pop's. The boys wanted to help with the candles.

Tuesday was B's celebration.  He got to see his toys before they were wrapped (oops).

Actually, everyone got to see his toys before they were wrapped. The boys weren't thrilled to give any of them up either.

B unwrapped while Ka wrapped.

He enjoyed himself.

B's 2nd birthday wasn't until Saturday, but Megan planned to fly out the day before. Kids under 2 flew free. Kid's who turned two paid.

Everyone enjoyed balloons the rest of the week. I taught Shane "Don't Let it Touch the Floor!"

Megan and Kathleen would break out a different type of balloons later.

B's toys added to the assortment already available. The kids did not lack things to do at the house.

Wednesday it was Matt and Renee's turn to cook a low-country boil. I had leftovers for lunch the next day.

Nana cooked a roast one night, and we had garlic cheese bread and ham sandwiches another. Kathleen baked Pop's and B's cakes (Shane and Cole "helped.").

We only bought meals out twice. Thirteen people (+drop-ins) get pricey to feed. Nana brought a ton of provisions and snack food.

We made a dent, but couldn't finish it all. Nana told us to take home whatever we wanted. Shane, Cole and Renee each got to go home with their favorite flavor of pop tarts. 

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