Monday, July 11, 2016

Vacation Bible School 2016

Shane's old enough for Vacation Bible School now! I found one online that worked with our schedule.

We've been impressed.

VBS at First Baptist is M-F 9-12. Shane wasn't thrilled after the first day. "It's too long." My standard response is "It takes more than one day to make good friends" and/or "Tell me what you liked."

Pickup Wednesday was a turning point. "Daddy! Daddy! The music teacher guy said he has a surprise for us tomorrow!"

It couldn't have been at a better time, either. I had a work meeting on Tuesday and no child care. I signed up for VBS and only later realized how perfect the schedule worked out (Thanks, God!). I was able to get my allergy shot on Monday without Shane bored and bouncing around, too. Dishes from Sunday's get together? Done.

It's been a blessing. First Baptist's VBS will be remembered when next summer comes around.


Shane was sad to see VBS end. He was thrilled to show me the giant beach ball the big kids played with. "It's bigger than a car!" I didn't believe him.

He was right.

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