Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Weekend at Grandma's

Carrie, Shane, and I went to Grandpa and Grandma's for the holiday weekend! It's easier to plan getaways now that Carrie doesn't work Saturdays anymore. We arrived Saturday before Grandpa was back from his golf tournament. An ambush was set.

Shane has wanted to go fishing. Badly. He wants me to buy a rod.

 It's a Grandpa only special for now.

The activity kicked off with fish surgery. Our first customer was large, eager, and got the whole hook in his mouth. Carrie got the pliers and fished it out.

Grandpa said that little Carrie used to fish with him all the time until she discovered horses.

That explains why she was so eager to jump in. She did 95% of all the casting and reeling!

Grandpa and I took photos and held fish. I, also, tried to hide in the shade some.

The other 5% of the time Carrie helped Shane.

He was more interested in running around and touching the fish than actually fishing, though.

He got pretty muddy by day's end.

Later that night, Shane and I went on a walk. We didn't go very far. Shane found a bird nest in the yard.

Grandpa found us in the brush. He's the local bird expert. We looked them up later, but I can't remember what they were for the life of me.

He joined us on a 'bunny walk.'

Shane got to spend a fair amount of time outdoors this trip. Grandma went with them on another bunny walk Sunday.

Then there were the fireflies. We love fireflies!

The porch isn't a prime firefly catch and release location, but Shane would probably squish the buggers out of excitement anyway. We can try that at home.

Monday, Grandpa enlisted Shane to hang flags.

Overall, the weather stunk, though. It was hot and wet. When it wasn't raining, the humidity clung to your skin. 

Good thing movie theaters are inside and air-conditioned! We all went to see Finding Dory Sunday in Williamsburg.

It left Shane amped. He jumped in a puddle and tried to swim away afterward.

Everyone was tired at dinner.

We eat well at Grandma's. She cooked, Carrie cooked, Grandpa grilled, and Shane and I ate and ate.

And yes, Shane got plenty of this in

Like Carrie, Grandpa and Grandma like to have a TV on. When Shane's not around it's normally the news, sports, or a travel program while they work. When Shane is around, it's often a movie to let the adults talk or play King's Corners.

Carrie and I did get to spend some time alone. We went on our own nature walk.

Carrie investigated some suspicious holes on the 18th green. A squirrel with a mushroom watched us from the trees.

Monday, we got to go on a small date day. Our first stop: a shoe store. I found out my feet don't match.

We ate breakfast out and drove around. Outside of Jamestown, they had the flags of all 50 states flying in the order they were accepted into the country.

Of course, it was raining, so we didn't stay outside for very long. I would have liked to walk around more, but got vetoed. We didn't really have a plan or a ton of time. We wandered around town and even tried to give blood (they were full).

We did buy pie. Apple and strawberry rhubarb. We brought them home for lunch.

Monday night, it was time to go. Carrie had work in the morning. The weather was still rainy and overcast, so we didn't expect to see many fireworks anyway.

Shane found a baby frog instead. He called and told everyone about it on the way home! Who knew that so many of his extended family members were big frog fans?

We started to see some fireworks as we pulled into Charlottesville, but Shane was fast asleep. I tried to wake him once. His lids opened slowly and then slid back down to the full closed position.  Carrie and I were fine with that. She doesn't like fireworks, and I figured we'd had plenty of excitement already. I carried Shane up to bed and then we watched some TV to finish off the night.

There's been a lot going on in the news, but a holiday is a fun break from things.

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