Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Beach Week: The Aquarium

Our biggest trip of the week was the aquarium. 

It was "wear them if you've got them" tie-dye day. I forgot/lost Shane's.

The wonder hit the kids right away. Shane and Cole ran from exhibit to exhibit.

Shane would have climbed in to one if I hadn't of stopped him.

Stu and I were in pursuit until the slowed down.

That was around the albino alligator.

The boys stood still long enough the rest of the family started to catch up.

ADHD moment: Someone left their walky-talky out and unattended.  I was sorely tempted to play with it.

It helped Shane tore off to look at turtles.

Gotta catch them all.

Ryan's horseshoe crab book was well-timed.

There were stingrays and whelks, too. I couldn't help but think of the touch pool in Finding Dory.

Matt may have found a Pokemon. 

I thought the underside of the horseshoe crabs was fascinating.

Cole and Evelyn weren't as interested in grabbing everything they could like Shane was.

They weren't far away, though.

Taking pictures is an important mini-game/sidequest while keeping track of all the kids.

Everyone eventually broke up and wandered around at our own paces. We reformed on occasion and stuck the same general areas.

Jama, Shane, Nana, and I all watched the divers together.

Shane and Jama asked a lot of questions!

He couldn't sit still as long as her, though.

There were lots of cool things to look at.

We found Nemo. Dory, too.

Shane got to touch a shark. It wasn't Bruce.

Then we left the wonderful world of air-conditioning for the sweltering outside.

Dinosaurs made it worthwhile.

Cole ran up to Shane. "Shane! There's a dinosaur that spits this way! Come with me!"

I don't know why there was an animatronic dinosaur exhibit at an aquarium, but it was.

And it was awesome.

We went through it twice.

Cole, thrice.

I thought the excavation table would have been a bigger hit. Shane stayed there for all of 5 seconds before he ran off. Cole followed.

Oh, look. Something hurricane related. Somehow we always find storm stuff when Shane's around.

It's a gift.

We found a hurricane simulator earlier in the day. Kevin tried it first.

I stopped filming two seconds short of the funniest thing all day. If you know Kevin, you know his hair. The hurricane simulator negated it. He walked out with a bowl cut to a chorus of laughs. Then, with one swipe of his hand, he was made new!

There was a riot. I probably wouldn't have been able to keep filming anyway, because I was bowed over with laughter.

Shane, Cole, and I tried it next!

I hammed it up, a little. It's more fun that way. Cole tried to open the door. I don't know if he was trying to escape or not, but I didn't let him!

1 comment:

  1. Pop and I loved reliving this fun event through your blog. I loved the aquarium and would go back there again in a heart beat! Please post the video of Kevin in the Hurricane Simulator on facebook. That was so cool! Your writing is gifted, we love it! Thank you!
