Thursday, July 21, 2016

Beach Week: Water Play!

It's no surprise that kids who go to the beach play with water. We played with it as much at the house as we did at the beach.

Evelyn kicked it off. She partied in any sink that would fit her.

Day two: Kathleen introduced water balloons.

Everyone went out on the back porch to pop them. It may have been B's first time. Shane and Cole knew what to do.

Bomb's away, Cole!

Shane wanted to water the porch below us.

Day 3 (or 4?): Shane didn't want to wait. He wanted to make water balloons himself.

I herded him out of the bathroom all day, but Aunt/Cousin Kerry decided to enable.

I was okay with it. She was a hero to Shane all week. 

We spent a lot of time on the car port the latter part of the week. A river flowed and became whenever the kids showered/played after a beach run. The inflatable pool made it more official.

Pants optional. 

Unless you were Shane. I told him he was too old. Ka and Megan held a policy favorable to bare butts.

B had a different approach to water balloons than the other boys. Shane and Cole's lasted moments. B treasured his. He gnawed on it and held it close. If he set it down, it was never far.

Shane and Cole got really jealous. They may have thrown two or three balloons each, but B's balloon was there. It was whole. Un-thrown. It called to them.

Alas, water balloons have a fleeting nature and B's would inevitably pop. His tears could have filled a new balloon! Megan was normally prepared with a second balloon, but given time...

Shane's shining moment came with a squirt gun. "Daddy, can I fill this with water?" I started to say no.....

It was a full house. Very fun!

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