Thursday, March 15, 2018

All in a Thursday Night

I made it to Shane's soccer practice this week. 

Both coaches were there.

Shane was dramatic about going (and dramatic during a couple games and drills), but he was happy to see his teammates and coaches.

Coach Brian partnered up with Shane for the passing drill.

I felt for the coaches. It looked like herding cats at times. I seriously thought about walking over and starting to help (Call it the coach's instinct).

There was drama during Sharks and Minnows. The sharks weren't always clear on where the safe line was. Shane wasn't wholly honest with when he was out or what was out of bounds either (so it went both ways), but Shane got really upset and tried to hit a kid who'd kicked his ball away.

Coach Jeanluc pulled him to talk. They rejoined the group when sharks and minnows was over.

Coach Brian asked Shane to help him set up the goals for a scrimmage.

The kids came up with silly names for their teams (Shane was on "The Leprechauns") and went at it.

Shane asked Coach Brian to twirl him in circles after practice. He'd remembered that from last season! A line formed. Anthony ran over....then Jonathan...Sam tried it but he said it hurt his wrist and cried. Shane tried to cut in after everybody for another spin (even as the coach tried to check on Sam and talk to his mom!).

I congratulated Shane on the way out. "Aren't you glad you came today?" I knew he was. I wanted to make sure that was clear, because the stink had just told me he wished he'd never done soccer and wanted to be at home on the drive over.

Before he could complain more, I popped another question on Shane. "Do you want to go to Pokemon night tonight?"

Yes. Yes, he did.

We stopped by Costco for gas and dinner. Shane enjoyed the vending machines a little too much and we were late to Pokemon Night.

He's fascinated by how things work. I let him poke around and ponder. Curiosity and questioning are good things when fostered healthily.

Shane's Pokemon friend, Samuel, was there when we arrived. His dad recognized us, as well, and we talked for a little while the kids oogled over their cards.

Samuel plays a lot and has good cards, so he's a fearsome opponent for someone his age. Shane played a game against him and was wrecked. He watched another kid, Alex, take on Samuel afterward.

There's a new league director who's very organized. He was worried about how Shane was sitting in his chair (with his feet under his butt), but I told him, "I'd keep an eye on it."

One of the adult regulars played a practice deck against Shane and Shane won (It was largely a gimmie). Shane and Alex got to peek through his card binder afterward.

If you can say one thing about the Pokemon people in Charlottesville, say this, they're friendly. They welcome and include anyone and everyone who shows up with cards or questions from what I've seen.

We didn't get home until it was near bed time. I don't know if we'll do the trifecta every Thursday, but Shane enjoyed this one.

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