Monday, March 26, 2018

Independence Training

Rah hobbled up to the house and was waiting for Shane to get back from school. He cut his foot on some broken glass. Shane and Rah ended up playing a board game on the porch.

Meanwhile, I snuck inside. I figured it was a good chance to try and practice some independence for Shane. I could see and hear them through a window, so I left them to it. I made chai. I popped back outside when they started to move off of the porch.

Rah's foot may have been hurt, but it wasn't that hurt. The boys started climbing trees and wrestling around. I played a round of Kingdomino with them in between roughhousing.

I tell Rah that he'd have made a good older brother. He's pretty good about roughing up the little kids in a way that's fun and doesn't hurt them.

Shane got to make his own sandwhich for dinner after we went in.

He's got to learn to clean up his messes next. Only so much you can do in a day, though!

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