Friday, March 16, 2018

Bus Business

Thursday morning, there was a knock on the door. Raheem had missed the bus. His mom wanted to know if I could take him to school. It was 10 minutes before I was supposed to be at work.

I agreed. I tried to walk a middle line between "Happy to help," and "I can't do this too often."

It was the perfect day for me to drive him in and be a little late (I had no meeting!). That's not always true. I didn't mind helping, but I didn't want to make it too easy on Rah either. I've warned him about walking up to our house when he should be at the bus stop (What if Shane's sick? If you come up here and miss the bus you have no ride!). He's going to ride a different bus next year, too, so I felt there had to be some weight/natural consequence to drive the lesson home. I didn't give him a hard time or anything in the car, but I didn't act like it was hunky-dory either.

The next day, Shane missed the bus.

I kid you not. God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble!

There was a sub bus driver who showed up 12 minutes early. I actually saw the bus as we were walking down our street and thought, "Huh. The gold bus is early today" (It has a stop down by the park and passes before our bus). We walked around the corner and I saw the real gold bus loading up with kids.

I didn't think I was haughty, but God saw fit to give me a lesson in humility! We're blessed enough to have a car I was able to turn Shane around and drop him off without much of a fuss. That's not true for everyone.

Update: We all showed up a little early to the bus stop on Monday. I told Raheem what happened to us Friday. "It can happen to anyone. The best thing to do is learn from the mistake."

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