Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Diving In

You'd think it'd be uncomfortable to have your goggles pin your ears down. Shane spent the whole lesson like that.

From what I can tell, the skill he needs to work on is turning his head to the side to breath.

Shane pops his whole head up no matter what stroke he's doing.

He's swimming further and further.

Three is a great class size for him. I'm going to try for the same time slot next month.

The diving practice at the end was fun to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Shane is becoming such a good swimmer! I watched the "dive" 3 times, it was so cute/funny. I think Shane will learn how to really dive soon. I remember how thrilling it was for Chelsea, and then Yordy a few months later, to learn how to dive off of a diving board. They were soooooo scared at first. Shane is so brave that I don't think it will be hard for him to make the transition to a diving board once he
    learns how to really dive off of the side. He's a brave and coordinated boy. Thanks for taking such great of your son!
