Saturday, March 10, 2018

How to Fill Saturday 101

Saturday morning: TKD.

Saturday afternoon: Soccer.

I was a spectator for TKD, but I got to help coach again for soccer. There was an email out Friday night that made it sound like neither coach could make it. I volunteered to help. It was a pleasant surprise to find Coach Jeanluc there.

Five of the kids were on our team in the fall season. The rest are new.

It was a competitive game! A night and day difference from how Shane's teams have looked at the start of other seasons. Shane scored not one, but TWO goals! I saw one and can confirm.

He's not a consistent attacker, but he's developed a better grasp of the game and willingness to participate more.

While Shane and I did our sports, Grandma and Grandpa met Carrie at the barn to check in on her sport: Horses.

We all met up at Wegmans for 'linner.'

Grandma's face says it all. The conversation was amazing.

We must have showed Shane something on the phone. Don't ask me whatever it was. I can't remember.

I do remember Shane made a big deal about how gross the calamari Grandma ordered was. Carrie made him try it as a repercussion.

He resisted, but was eventually cajoled/coerced into trying it. He wasn't a fan, but he scored a couple brave points in my book.

Raheem knocked and we played outside for a little bit after we got home. Then Shane got some electronics time and we called it a night.

We never seem to have too much trouble coming up with things to do on weekends.

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