Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Paddy's Day Shennanigans

Daylight savings week we had our first early game of the season at 9 AM and 35 F weather. 

Things I would not have appreciated when I was a kid. Shane's an early riser, at least.

It was Orange vs Orange. Our kids flipped jerseys inside out and kept on coats to make it less confusing.

I was really impressed with the first period of play. There was PASSING. Shane literally passed the ball to help set up a shot! 

Shane's still not a 'try hard,' but an actual pass!? That shows a growing understanding of the game. Even if it was just to dump the ball and the risk on to someone else it was tactical.

I filmed part of the 2nd quarter of play, but several texts from Samuel's mom made me switch off the camera. She wanted to know when the game was this week ("Right now." The coaches had forgotten to send out a reminder email). I ended up talking as I watched and never resumed filming.

The one thing I didn't like was when Shane started to tackle Coach Jeanluc.

It's not that I mind wrestling. It's that my kid won't stop. Then other kids join in.

Shane didn't listen to Coach Jeanluc when he kept telling the kids to stop either. Shane didn't seem to hear my sideline half-yells either (I didn't really want to project). I marched halfway up and partway onto the field before he saw me. Shane righted himself right away then. I let him know there wouldn't be any electronics the rest of the day if he couldn't respect his coach.

Normal play resumed from there.

It was a good game.

Shane connected with Samuel for a play-date later. There was a zip line!

I talked to Samuel's mom, Kate, for a few moments on the porch and watched the kids play. Samuel's dad, Paul, was sequestered away to watch Rugby (His UK was showing!).

I left them playing outside and returned home. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded staying and talking and getting to know the family better. I had the feeling they expected me to move on, though. So far most of our play dates have involved either Shane staying with them or Samuel going with Shane and I to Jump. It's different than what I've normally done with Shane, but not wrong. Kids need time away from their parents (and parents need time away from their kids).

I returned home to my beautiful wife who agreed to play a board game with me. We pulled out Pandemic Iberia for the second time, threw in an extra epidemic, and lost by the skin of our teeth (There was a large clump of yellow cards at the bottom that we couldn't organize in time for the final cure).

I was happy to have some time alone with her. That doesn't happen often.

Carrie's project for the weekend has been to take care of the horses and get the trailer ready to sell. We got it back from the body shop. There was a scare where they quoted us almost double what we'd told them our maximum budget was. However, the shop owner was honest and agreed to stick to the agreed upon limit when we went to speak with him. Carrie and I agreed we should make a donation to a mission his church supports in South America when the trailer sells to acknowledge that.

Meanwhile, Shane had a blast at Samuel's. They went to a local park and played Pokemon Go. Paul was happy Wales had won when I picked Shane up.

We had an American-Irish dinner for St. Patrick's day: Corned beef, carrots, and cabbage.

Carrie and Shane were really excited about a berry pie for dessert.

Disaster struck. Carrie used a glass, Pyrex bowl to cook the pie in. It shattered the moment it came out of the oven and was set on the stove top.

Carrie was worried about the exploding glass fragments, so we had to throw the pie away. I drank a silent toast for the fallen carbs.

My one regret: No leprechaun pranks. Like the kilt, they totally escaped from my mind. I was texting with Patrick and realized my mistake. Work has taken a lot out of my lately. Next year, I'll have to make sure the pranks and kilt come out to play.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

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