Monday, March 12, 2018

Ecstasy to Agony.

All signs pointed to snow. I was beyond excited. I woke up throughout the night and had to resist the urge to check my phone. "Did they call it yet? A two-hour delay? The whole day?"

I checked the radar while Shane ate his breakfast. 

95% chance of snow.


Shane and I found ourselves at the bus stop. He was cranky and I was tired. 

The school system made the right call. The roads were fine and nothing was going on. I was bummed. I'd known there was a chance for a bust all week as the forecast shifted daily. However, I held on to hope that "the school system owed us a day" from a bad call they'd made earlier.

The weather decided to add some insult to the injury. After the students showed up it started to snow. They were already cranky and lamented their fates all the more loudly as the snow floated down on the wind.

Two counties away to the south and west of us it was a different story. Which made it extra difficult when almost half of our staff could not make it in to work!

Twas a rough day. The only thing that made it easier was a few kids declared it was a snow day for them and never showed (and "F*&$# what the school says!").

This was probably our last chance at a snow day. At least we had two days off school this year (there were none last year!) Three weeks to spring break and counting!

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