Thursday, March 22, 2018

Thursdays are Activity Overload Days

Soccer was cancelled due to field conditions (melted snow = mud). We skipped TKD last week, so I made sure to take Shane today.

He was a little lackluster, but did okay.

At Shane's request, we went to Pokemon Night next. The league has a new season and rule where you earn points for cards with each game you play. Shane is obsessed with getting more cards. He wants jobs to earn money, sell his cards, and buy others. Carrie and I don't want him to, so his eyes are set on earning a promo card.

There weren't any other kids looking for a game when we arrived, so I played him (It counted!).

We went to Costco for pizza and groceries afterward.

True story:

When we pulled up to TKD, I had Shane change in the car. He announced, "And when I go inside I need to POOP!" (he likes to emphasize that word).


"Oh, yeah!" Shane said.

"Well, do it in the beginning warm-ups or try and hold it."

Shane kicked off practice with a dump.

Then, he told me he needed to go for Round 2 as I was paying for groceries! What is it with Costco?

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