Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Carrie's 2nd Dose

Carrie got her 2nd dose of the vaccine on Tuesday! Shane went with her.

Which hadn't been the plan. I swapped out hall duty coverage and worked to get someone to cover my lunch duty. There had been a chance Shane would have to sit for a few minutes before I could give him my undivided attention, but I worked it out. However, that chance worried Carrie so much she called the testing site and asked to bring him! I thought that would've stressed her out more, but it worked in her favor.

When Carrie arrived at the testing site there was a long line. She asked for a chair to sit in, because of her knee. Instead, they gave her a wheelchair....and rolled her up front! When she got up front, it was discovered her appointment was originally scheduled for Wednesday. Not Tuesday like the original.

Instead of sending her home, they entered a new date in the computer and Carrie got her shot. They made her stay for half an hour instead of 15 minutes, but she and Shane watched videos on her phone instead.

Of course, Carrie would be the type to have a reaction. A blister formed overnight.

Nothing in any of the websites or literature mentioned blisters/mouth sores as a side effect of the virus. However, there were people online claiming they had similar-ish symptoms. I found one site that said mouth sores/blisters could be a generalized reaction to any vaccine.

Whatever the exact cause, Carrie called the Blue Ridge Health District. They told her to make an appointment with her doctor, so she did. The doctor took a look and said, "Let's talk again in a week." Shane went along since I was teaching, but he may not have noticed anything. He had his Switch.

Carrie complained of feeling ill at ease all the way until Friday. I was at work, so Shane and the cats kept her company.

Mainly the cats. They don't bounce and flail around while making the dog bark! I suspect Shane spent a lot of time on electronics to keep the noise level down.

Carrie and I are both fully vaccinated now. Shane's young, so I have no intentions of giving him a shot any time soon. The real question is: What next? Will there be booster shots next year? Will we get them? Stay tuned!

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