Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Signs you're getting old

I let Shane use my computer one time..... He was having tech problems with his, so I logged him into mine before running to work. Carrie fixed Shane's computer, but the next time I used mine, I had animated black eyebrows and a disappearing and reappearing black mustache!

I'm tech savvy, so at first I just snorted. Then I went to virtual backgrounds to turn off the effects, but Zoom said there was no virtual background in use.

Right then and there, I had to make a decision. Try to fix it myself or call for Shane?

I took the lazy route. I told myself I wasn't getting old, so much as I was trying to be a good parent by making Shane undo whatever it was he did.

There was a link for "Studio Effects" at the bottom of the page. Naturally, Shane had been curious and clicked on it. My older, supposedly wiser, but perhaps more risk-adverse self had opted to call for Shane first rather than click around too far.

It was such an easy fix, I second-guessed calling for Shane afterward. I've chosen to stand by that it was a good parenting decisions, but complaining to my kid to fix the tech sure made me feel old!

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