Saturday, April 24, 2021

Reasonable Beer Bread!

Carrie got on a bread baking kick Spring Break. She went through half the beers Mark gave me making test loaves. I got to eat many of them. Others, she gave to boarders (along with a can or two if they wanted to see what it started from!).

The recipe evolved and Carrie discovered a warm function on the oven to make things easier.

I bragged about the bread to Scott at work. I told Carrie I wanted to give some to Scott and Mark the next time we got together.

That day was Sunday. Carrie baked a fresh loaf and came along since Shane was with Nana and Pop. She even brought homemade butter.

It was a hit! Carrie started discussing beer bread in general with Mark and Perpetual Bloom came up (It's an IPA with strong citrus/orange notes). Mark had some going out of date he'd have to destroy, so he gave us some cans for Carrie to work with.

Carrie dried some orange rind and made zest to go with her first attempt. I liked it, but she considered it a failure (and turned part of it into a fantastic bread pudding)! She used orange juice for her next attempt and declared it much better. 

And she's not done yet! I love bread, so every loaf she makes is a win for me!

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