Thursday, April 8, 2021

Spring Riding

I have a preferred weather range: 70°F for the high and 40° F for the low ( ~21°C to 4.5°C). I want to wear a coat out in the morning and breathe cool air. Spring Break mostly fell into my range, but several days reached all the way up to 80°F! 

Carrie braided Lilly's mane to help her beat the heat.

Lilly's mane blankets both sides of her neck, so she was a sweat monster after riding even before the temperature climbed.

Braids have the added bonus of being stylish for the season.

We've had boarders visit the barn every day of the week. Usually, someone rides!

Gay came out to visit on Tuesday. She said Lilly was probably the widest horse she'd ever ridden. "I might be sore tomorrow!"

Tuesday was Carrie's first day back on Eowyn. She's been riding Lilly partly, because Lilly's shorter and easier to mount with her knee.

Case in point, Carrie rode Lilly Wednesday.

Most of the riding has been walking speed, but Carrie brought it up to a trot for a little bit.

Barbara was on Eowyn. She rode with Carrie on Monday, as well.

Barbara's favorite pony is still Maddy, but she's currently a "walk only" until a strain fully heals. Barbara walked out to the field to bring Maddy in to play with some after she popped off Eowyn. 

Heidi's been out multiple times, but she only rode Eddie once, I think. She and Misha are preparing to move back to Germany and offloaded some old horse gear. Their decision is largely driven by their health. Heidi needs a weekly treatment that costs $5,000 in the US that her insurance won't cover. In Germany, the same treatment will cost her $50. 

Eddy will be staying with us for now. One of Heidi's neighbors has shown an interest in leasing him from Heidi and came down to the barn with her to check him out and meet Carrie. 

I don't have pictures of everyone who came out. Laura hopped on Ernie a couple of times. Micayla has been out a bunch, but only for handwalking and grooming. Abby's been acting a little sore, so she's been given a break from riding. Carrie rode every day at the start of the week, but took the second half off to rest her knee.

I like to see the barn being activity. The whole point of having a barn was for people to ride! I pray that we're a blessing to everyone who comes to our property. 

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