Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Big Gaming

 Carrie had Shane twirling around, rubbing his belly, and patting his head after chores to earn a surprise.

She'd spotted a great deal on Super Smash Brothers and a My Hero Academia game for the Switch. Shane's been talking about using his money to buy Super Smash Bro's and she knew it! He lucked out with a Mom shopping win. Here's to hoping it doesn't spoil him!

Shane's definitely played more electronics since we moved. I miss the days of walking out the front door and having him play with Raheem and walking to the park, but rural + pandemic have leaned more towards video gaming. Shane loves to call Cole or Dylan to play Roblox online.

I haven't played much Smash Bros with Shane, because he prefers to win! 

I'd love to play more Overcooked as a family, but Shane never wants to and Carrie's always too tired.

Speaking of Carrie, Shane and I found another one of her surprises while we were looking for Loki's leash.

Carrie bought a Switch Lite way back when, because A) "It was an amazing deal!" and B) she was afraid I was going to drop the Switch whenever I took it to the pool with Shane.

It wasn't doing much in the drawer, but it's been seeing use now! Carrie will play a Sword Art Online game on it when Shane's on Smash Bros.

Why were we looking for Loki's leash? Pokemon Go is in the middle of a resurgence. 

Shane begged to go into town one evening after school to catch Pokemon. We walked around for about an hour (and he had the nerve to tell me he couldn't jog to open the gate the next morning, because his legs 'hurt.' "I saw you run up the hill to catch Pokemon!")

Shane had to walk 5 km to hatch a "very rare and special" egg. Carrie surprised me by taking him on a walk even though it was getting dark!

She had her tunes on and was walking and singing while Shane stared at the phone. I presume she kept him from walking into any electric fencing or falling in any holes.

They did a few laps and then I took Shane on a jog the next day. He preferred Mom's pace! We alternated jogging and walking to chalk off a couple of laps around the property.

I don't like Shane to do electronics for more than two hours in a row, so he's not gorging himself on electronics. He is pretty zoned in when he has them, though!

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