Saturday, March 5, 2022

Friends Over

I thought I'd get caught back up on writing over Spring Break.

I didn't.

This is the first time I've sat down to write in a while. I'm currently a month behind!

The first step to breaking a block or tackling a problem is to do something, so that's what this is.

I discovered my phone has a search feature where I can look up specific dates and see what pictures I took. A lot of my pics are reminders of mundane things, but I did have one pic that triggered my memory for this weekend: Hazel came over!

Shane is showing off Sir Hopkins to Hazel in the picture. Shortly after that they ran off to play video games (She even brought her Oculus Rift). Meanwhile, I hung out and talked with Mark and Scott. Mark and I taught Scott how to play Dominion. Scott had never seen a deck-builder before, so he got to have his mind blown!

We were too busy eating burgers and playing cards for me to take any more pictures! Carrie was tired, so she laid down to watch some tv or a movie in the other room while we hung out. It made for a fun Saturday!

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