Friday, March 18, 2022

It Happened: A Sleepover!

Carrie made it happen: Shane had a friend sleepover! I was surprised it was Lilly, but a friend is a friend! She wanted a break from her brother Wyatt and Shane wanted more kids packed into our house.

Shane was playing Shovel Knight when Lilly arrived. He'd hoped she'd stay, watch him play, and cheer him on, but Lilly defined fun differently.

I kicked Shane off the computer and suddenly the house was exploding with energy.

The kids were hollering, Loki was barking, and Carrie would've had a headache....if she'd been inside! 

But no, she was outside playing with horses and talking to Sarah's mom. I figured I'd let the kids get as much rambunctious out as possible before she came in and was overwhelmed by the noise.

She came in at some point, but the games had transitioned to the quieter variety. Do you notice anything amiss in this picture?

Shane had a great spot for hiding seek! (But not without it's drawbacks seeing as it smelled of musky dog and cat pee. I wouldn't have hid there!)

I forget why, but I had to go do some sort of errands for Carrie and came back to see a new game: Carrie was trying to get the kids dizzy.

The weather was nice, so I took them into Scottsville to play on the playground. Lilly was concerned Wyatt and her dad might be there, so I told her we'd look before we got out.

The coast was clear, so we took to the playground.

There was a much younger kid there, but otherwise we had the place to ourselves.

I took pictures and tried to facilitate some from the sidelines.

It was no surprise that Shane went into zombie mode. Lilly wasn't a huge fan, though.

I stayed on the sidelines until the kids were on the tennis courts. I didn't want Shane climbing on the nets too I climbed the chain link fence and looked over the top to say hello (a great example, I know).

After that I was in the mix. My time on the sidelines was over.

For some reason, Lilly really wanted to chase me. I got put in "prison" (the toddler lot) and she wanted to guard while I kept breaking out. Shane started to act jealous, so I did my best to try and step back while Lilly kept trying to pull me in!

I was able to set myself up as the referee again after a while. I managed to catch this sequence of Lilly losing her shoe.

Shane loves games of chase!

Especially ones where he has all the advantages!

Lilly started to run across the field and we ended up changing elevation to look at the train tracks.

Shane did his best to convince Lilly to roll down the hill. He demonstrated time and time again, but she wasn't buying what he was selling (She was laughing at the show, though!).

I laughed along. My ADHD self also noticed a young boy from the playground and his dog enjoying a massive puddle. I pointed it out to the kids and they enjoyed the show, as well. It turned out I'd met the mother years ago during my first year at LMA (Go figure).

I don't remember who tackled who, but I think Shane initiated it in this photo. I remember he did something that bumped Lilly at one point. She tried to tattle on him to me and I said something like, "You're fine." 

Well, when Lilly saw she wasn't going to drum up much sympathy from me when she was roughhousing, too, she decided she'd wait till she got back to the house later and tattle to Carrie (True story!).

But before that happened, the kids frolicked a little longer. We got to run down the hill before heading back to the car.

Carrie cooked a wonderful dinner and the kids settled down to play Roblox before bed. Lilly had a dragon catching/breeding game that she loved. Shane ended up showing it to Evie later!

The kids went to sleep without issue. Lilly couldn't stay long in the morning, but we enjoyed her visit and she enjoyed her break from having a brother!

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