Friday, March 11, 2022

Room Re-deco - Carrie Strikes Again! (Sunday 3/13)

Keeping Shane's room clean hasn't been high priority. I've threatened and blustered, but, honestly, I haven't followed through with making him do much about it. Sure, I force him to gather laundry, put it away, and keep food out of it, but, otherwise, it's a cluttered mess (and starting to smell).

In a perfect world, Shane would provide the cares and keep his room clean since I clearly cannot.

So it was a pleasant surprise when Carrie made her move.

She sprung into action as Shane and I got home from Dylan's birthday party.

Carrie prefers to strike in secrecy, so there's maximum shock and awe when her final product is revealed.

Her big change was to turn the bed.

After that, there was a lot of sorting.

Loki wanted to help, but he had to listen at the door (and occasionally bark at any loud noises).

Shane has a ton of toys, but doesn't tend to use them. I played with all sorts of action figures as a kid, but Shane gets excited, looks at something for a day, and then throws it in his room to be forgotten and never played with again.

Which meant we had plenty of things to donate. Carrie threw everything into garbage bags. Some burst from the strain.

Which turned them into cat attractions.

I'll sort through them later to separate donatable materials from trash (...eventually...).

Carrie was the whirlwind. Shane was occasionally a gust in the mix.

He posed when he realized he was on camera.

All the activity turned a simple Sunday into non-stop action!

Shane had a clean room to go to bed to that night...and I didn't have to watch my step to hear prayers for a change.

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