Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Trip Preparations

Why am I posting pictures of cleaning supplies? 

I have a bunch of them from when I went to Wegmans after work. Carrie hired a cleaner to come by the house Thursday.

Carrie's not comfortable with leaving our house in less than pristine condition for Amy and Laura. They'll be living at the farm while we're gone to take care of all the animals and if our floor is dirty they may suspect we secretly call the horses mean names at night when nobody's looking.

Ok, the mean names bit is a stretch, but Carrie wanted to clean house before we left. She didn't. I've been working and doing so many things that I haven't been able to do it either.

Which meant hiring a professional. Carrie had seen someone advertising on the Facebook page, made some inquiries, and then hired her. I was all for it. I'd be happy to have a cleaner come every couple of weeks or once a month if it lowered stress levels. It's not like I'd be mad there was less to do!

If I had been smarter about it, I would have taken pictures of the clean house to post here. I didn't (Maybe you can see a theme going on here...). 

Bonus post material: I have other pictures from the trip. Post shopping for cleaning supplies, I procured allergy meds for the itchy dog.

After that, I decided to cook dinner, too. 

It's a lot of work getting ready to leave the house for a week, but, boy, am I looking forward to it!

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