Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Sleeping Happily

Shane "hates to be alone." Even at night. So he's enlisted Happy cat.

Shane wanted Happy to sleep in his room one night. It started off happily. It lasted until Happy decided to wake up Carrie by trying to claw her way out past the taped up cat door!

The next night, Shane picked up Happy, carried her to his room, and then shut the bathroom door so that she couldn't get into the workout room!

Shane's kept his room well stocked ever since. Happy happily runs in. However, she doesn't always want to stay the whole night. More than once she's woken up Shane in the wee hours of the night (leaving him very unhappy the next morning!).

Despite the risk of being woken up, Shane has still wanted Happy to go to bed with him each night. She seems to like the idea herself. She'll run up to the door and meow (and immediately check the food bowl once she's inside...priorities, right?).

It's become the routine. Both boy and cat seem happy.

Max decided that she wanted in.

Max's morally opposed to closed doors. Since Happy got to go she started to insist, as well. If we didn't let her in, she'd try to use her ninja timing to dart by as it opened. Max is dominate to Happy, too, and gets a turn at the food first. 

I suspect Max likes it being quiet. She can get away from the younger cats and the dog to sleep.

Which suits Shane fine. He likes that it's a party in his room! He's said that the fish help him feel not alone, so two cats? Shane would take the dog, too, if he could!

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