Thursday, March 17, 2022

Itchy Dog

 Poor Loki's been an itchy mess lately.

It started around his front elbows, but I can get him a-kicking all over.

It's not fleas. I know what flea dirt looks like. His skin looks a little red when you get through all the fluff. There was some other stuff, but it looked more like he needed a bath.

It started shortly after the first dose of tick meds, so we didn't do dose number two. Carrie wanted to rule out a food allergy, so Loki's now on much simpler (and more expensive food). She did some online research to figure what would be a safe Benadryl dose (Reminder: Carrie was a vet tech).

But Loki's still kicking.

I eventually worried enough Carrie made a vet appointment (Normally, you'd think that works the other way around!). The vet said it seemed to be a allergic reaction to something in Loki's environment and put him on a prednisone taper.

It kinda worked. Loki seemed much less itchy at the height of the dosing, but he's back to kicking again. It may not be as bad as before, but his elbows are still crusty from his fooling with them.

Hopefully, whatever is causing the allergy will pass with the spring. I've teased Carrie that Loki may be allergic to cats, but "he's an addict."

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