Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Fox! (The Backlog!)

I took the dogs to run the fence line and heard a noise as I approached my normal seat on a jump. A wild animal sprung out! 

In my surprise, I wasn't sure if it was fox or coyote. I thought it was at least Loki sized. I didn't have time to think, because Kila almost took off in chase! I corrected her in time and then made sure Loki stayed put, too. 

By the time I thought to pull out my camera, the beast was far away. I lost it for a moment in the weeds behind the barn.

I brought the dogs inside afterward. I was surprised again, when the mystery predator showed up again on our front walk. 

It ran off the moment I opened the front door. I pulled out my camera and followed it around the house where I caught this video.

The fence wires help size the animal. I'm pretty sure it was a fox and not a baby coyote. It looked odd, because I think it had mange. 

Maybe it was a year ago, a mangy fox bolted out of Maddy's stall when I came into the barn for night chores. I don't have a picture, because in the seconds I was shocked the critter ran out the far end of the barn and disappeared. I remember it was winter, because I was bundled up and my first thoughts were the cold had driven it to search for food. 

The important thing is we haven't see the critter again. Kila's growing to the point she wouldn't be an easy meal, and since both dogs stay near their humans they're probably safe from any of the local predators.

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