Thursday, September 1, 2022

Parent Night at Youth Group (The Backlog!)

Wednesday, was Parent Night at StudentLife. Shane ditched me the moment we got inside! He did his best to try and join a group of much older students instead of talk to anyone his age. The results were mixed. They were all kind enough, but it was clear that they were humoring him as he hammed it up! When he calmed down he did end up doing some Jenga art with one guy.

After that, the night turned into to something closer to a class than a youth group. We sat down for a big group talk and then a small group one. It was nice meeting people and seeing the kids, but Shane had a rough time keeping himself together! He'd hunch over in an 'egg' on his chair, rock, and he probably would've hummed if I'd let him. 

I don't think group is normally so structured. It was too much "sit and get" for my liking, so I could sympathize with Shane! Learning how to contain yourself is a life skill, though. I figured out how to pretend to pay attention at some point. Actually paying attention followed after (or at least the skill to figure out what was going on quickly after zoning out!).

As a reward, I took Shane by Chic-Fil-A afterward for an ice dream cone. I saw several old students of mine working there, so it was a fun way to end the night. 

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